The Affect Beer Has on Your Teeth

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Canada, commemorating Ireland’s patron saint, Saint Patrick. Green and beer abound in the celebrations of the Day. While green beer may be good, too much can harm your teeth.

It’s not all bad!

Beer is not totally bad for the teeth. In fact, beer strengthens teeth with its high silicone and calcium content. Beer removes the slimy yellowish bacterial deposits on the teeth, which otherwise can lead to oral diseases. Beer with a high amount of hops performs effective dental cleaning by preventing bad bacteria from sticking to the teeth.

Beer strengthens bones, which benefits the bones supporting the teeth. A lesser-known benefit of beer is its ability to strengthen gums. It does so by preventing gum inflammation, bleeding, and infection.

All said and done, these benefits of beer can be realized only when it is consumed in moderation.

Too much beer can be harmful to your oral health. A regular dental checkup is vital to detecting these oral problems early.

Here are a few things to watch for 

From stains to dehydration and acidity, beer in excess can cause dental care prevention. Discover the harmful effects of beer on your teeth.

Acidity erodes enamel

As a highly acidic drink, beer can be damaging to your teeth. Carbonation (the carbon dioxide gas content in a liquid) in beer gets converted into carbonic acid. This acid eats away the enamel, which is the protective layer of teeth.

Steady beer consumption, over time, causes enamel erosion, tooth decay, and sensitivity. The loss of enamel makes dentin – the dark bony layer of the teeth – visible.

Gum problems

Beers are high in sugar. Bacteria in the mouth act on sugar deposits on the teeth, forming plaque. The risk of gingivitis or gum disease is more with frequent plaque formation. A regular dental cleaning can remove plaque.

Excess beer intake and poor oral hygiene can convert plaque into tartar, which cannot be removed with brushing or flossing. Over time, plaque, tartar, and bacteria start residing between the gums and teeth. These dental pockets lead to periodontitis, a gum infection that affects the tissues surrounding teeth.

Stained teeth

Beer can lead to yellowish or brownish stains on teeth. Beer contains chromogens, which, along with the acid content of beer, contribute to teeth staining. Excess beer intake damages the enamel, which in turn causes increased chromogen absorption. This situation deepens tooth coloration, making stains more visible.

Damaged teeth

This may not be a direct impact due to beer consumption; nevertheless, a significant outcome is associated with beer intake. Opening too many beer cans with your teeth as an opener can develop cracks in your teeth.

Oral dehydration

Lots of beer can dry up the mouth. The moisture in saliva keeps bacteria and plaque away. Without saliva, teeth become vulnerable to these damaging agents.

Protect your teeth to enjoy a sip or two

Drink to your health this St. Patrick’s Day. Consume beer in moderation. Sip water between beers to wash away damage-causing acids.

Brush twice and floss once daily to maintain dental health. Brush extra if you are having a beer. Use fluoride toothpaste for better dental care.

Visit your dentist for a dental checkup and dental cleaning twice annually.

The advantages that beer delivers in moderation can quickly become dental problems when you drink it excessively. The best dental care is prevention. Observe moderation and follow dental healthcare tips to keep enjoying your beer lifelong.

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