In most cases, a visit to the dentist every six months is recommended. However, there may be some instances where frequent visits are required. A few factors come into play: lifestyle, oral health, and overall health condition. 

A dental exam is performed to review and assess your teeth, gums, jaw, and other components of your oral cavity. A dental x-ray may also be included to analyze the condition of your teeth. Early detection of any issue will allow the dentist to advise suitable treatments. During this time, a thorough dental cleaning will also be part of this appointment. This is a great time to assess your oral health and hygiene habits and ask the dentist any questions you may have. Your dentist will also take this opportunity to educate you on various aspects of oral health and hygiene and recommend some tips for practicing oral care at home.

Once your dentist has assessed and reviewed your oral health, it is time for a thorough dental cleaning. The first step is removing plaque and tart, followed by a polish and expert flossing. Lastly, a fluoride treatment may be applied after a rinse. There are various types of dental cleanings, and which one is performed will depend on your oral health condition. 

A routine cleaning for maintenance is known as a prophylaxis cleaning. Scaling and root planning are performed when the individual shows signs of gum disease or has gum disease. Gross debridement is performed when oral hygiene has not been maintained and there is a significant amount of plaque and tartar buildup, which could impact oral health. 

We offer Invisalign treatment at Harvard Square Dental Care, allowing adults to achieve a straight smile without using traditional metal braces. They are comfortable to wear, and you can see results in as little as six months (depending on your case). With these clear aligners, you can confidently straighten your smile without compromising your self-esteem. 

We typically recommend it before your child’s first tooth eruption. Your first initial visit with your child is to say hello to the staff and have your child meet the dentist in a dental environment. This encourages a great first visit that will lead to many future visits without fussing. We recommend once your child’s first tooth pops up, bring them in for their first dental appointment. 

There are many calming practices that you can do at home to get prepared for your dental visit. Let your dentist know before your visit. They may have some recommendations when it’s time for your appointment; your dentist and the dental staff will work with you every step of the way.  

Many cosmetic dentistry services are available to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. You can choose a whitening treatment, porcelain veneers, dental implants, or white fillings. The first thing to do is let your dentist know your smile goals, and they will work with you in choosing the best cosmetic dentistry service that is most suitable for you. 

An open relationship with your dentist is definitely recommended. The more you share about your oral health, oral hygiene habits, lifestyle, and overall health, the better. It would be best if you also inform your dentist about any prescription medications you are taking or any allergies you experience. The dentist is not nosey or here to judge you; a dentist’s primary goal is to ensure you take the necessary steps to achieve a healthy smile. 

We recommend having a dental emergency first-aid kit on hand. This will help ease the discomfort and manage the situation immediately as you make it to the emergency center. 


In the event of a severe dental injury resulting from trauma to the neck, face, or head, immediately report to the ER or nearest medical center.


We offer emergency dental services at Harvard Square Dental Care; contact us today for more information.